This page was last updated January 2025.

Department Graduate Awards

Nancy Abelmann Scholarship

This award is for an Anthropology graduate student from any subdiscipline conducting preliminary field research in the development of their dissertation project. This award is shared with the East Asian Languages & Cultures Department, and is therefore given every other year.

This award is chosen by the Department Head and Financial Aid Committee during the spring semester award season.


Year Name
2018 Lila Dodge
2022 Bryana Rivera
2024 Hwajung Kim

Doris A. Derby Scholarship

This award is to support students enrolled in the Department of Anthropology who are pursuing research related to the presence, history, culture, and /or status of African or African American communities.

It is chosen by the Department Head and Financial Aid Committee during the spring semester award season.


Year Name
2022 Lila Dodge

Forest N. Baker Award in American Archaeology

This award is for an archaeology graduate student with research projects in American Archaeology. This award is made possible by a generous bequest from the late Forest N. Baker of Genesco, IL, who held a long-term interest in Illinois Archaeology. Graduate students will be notified to submit paper/proposal during the spring semester award season.

Funding will be awarded based on competitive evaluation of the intellectual merit and broader impacts of proposals for research in American Archaeology.

Proposals should be in the form of concise papers of no more than 5 pages, single-spaced in length; references, tables and figures are not included in the page limit; and a budget listing is not required. This award is chosen by the Financial Aid Committee.


Year Name
2014 Arjona
2016 Tatiana Niculescu
2017 Rebecca Schumann
2018 Jamie Arjona
2019 Aimee Carbaugh, Adam Sutherland
2020 Caitlyn Antoniuk
2021 Emma Verstraete

Joseph B. Casagrande Award – Ethnography

This award is in conjunction with the Summer Research Assistance Awards. It is given to the best paper/proposal for a graduate student conducting field work in Socio-cultural Anthropology. Graduate students are notified to submit summer funding proposals during the spring semester award season.

This award is chosen by the Financial Aid Committee.


Year Name
1986 Elizabeth Hurley

Deborah A. Bakken, Richard S. Howard

1990 Keith Dipboye
1991 Rosa DeJorio
1993 Gina Hunter de Bessa
1994 Maria Tapias
1995 Soo Jung Lee
1996 Sarah Phillips, James Gilmore
1998 Angelina Cotler
1999 Derek Pardue
2000 So Jin Park
2001 Bjorn Westgard
2002 Jennifer Shoaff, Junjie Chen
2003 Brian Montes
2004 Daniel Gutierrez
2005 Allison Goebel
2006 Isabel Scarborough
2007 Katie O’Brien
2008 Jennifer Baldwin
2010 Wendy Finley
2011 Melinda Bernardo, Kyou ho Lee 
2012 Alex Jong Seok Lee
2013 Emily Metzner
2014 Agnes Sohn, Ezgi Guner
2015 Jonghyun Park
2016 Benjamin Krupp
2017 Dilara Caliskan
2018 Bea Maldonado, Ofira Fuchs
2019 Dilara Caliskan, Lila Dodge, Chibundo Egwuatu
2022 Michelle Patino and Grazzia Grimaldi
2023 Margie Giacalone, Grazzia Grimaldi Calderon, Michelle Patino, Tamara Pavlovic
2024 Jackie Abing, Nathalie Martinez, Tamara Pavlovic

Edward M. Bruner Award

This is a faculty nominated award given to a graduate student for academic excellence and promise in Anthropology. This award was started by the Edward M. Bruner family upon the retirement of Ed. Graduate students will be notified to submit papers during the spring semester award season.  

This award is chosen by the Anthropology Department Awards Committee.


Year Name
1995 C. Richard King
1996 Mary Greenpool
1997 Walter Little
1998 Lamisa Bangali
1999 Moeslim Abdurrahman
2000 Angelina Cotler
2001 So Jin Park
2002 Robin Bernstein
2003 Noriko Muraki
2004 Martin Kowalewski
2005 Andrew Asher(co-recipient)
2006 Junjie Chen (co-recipient)
2007 Melissa Baltus
2008 Tomi Castle
2009 Jason Ritchie
2010 Scott Williams
2011 Michele Hanks
2012 Nicoletta Righini
2013 Sophia Balakian
2014 Dohye Kim
2015 Sophia Balakian
2016 Paul Michael Atienza
2017 Matthew Go
2018 Jaime Arjona
2019 Zev Cossin
2020 Jaime Arjona
2021 Nicole Cox
2022 Tatiana Niculescu
2023 Grazzia Grimaldi Calderon
2024 Kathrina Aben

Charles & Janet Keller Fellowship

Established by Charles and Janet Keller. Preference shall be given to graduate students working on critical approaches to material culture within the unit. This fellowship may be used for ABD graduate students writing fellowships. Graduate students are notified to submit applications during the fall semester.

This award is chosen by the Department Head and Financial aid Committee.


Year Name
2018 Rebecca Schumann
2021 Benjamin Krupp, Negin Valizadegan
2022 Alana Ackerman, Aimee Carbaugh, Yue Liao
2023 Breanna Escamilla, Michelle Farley

George L. Beslow Graduate Award

This award will be used in conjunction with summer research funding based on student need. This award is chosen by the Department Head and Financial Aid Committee during the spring semester award season.


Year Name
1992-93  Robert Connolly
1994-95 Lauren Sieg
1996-97  Gina Hunter de Bessa
1997-98 Rachel Corr
1999-00 Jennifer Rehg
2002-03 Derek Pardue
2004-05 Bjorn Westgard
2006-07 Akiko Takeyama
2008-09 Melissa Raguet
2009-2010 Sociology
2010-2011 John Cho
2011-2012 Sociology
2012-2013 Liz Mallott
2014-15 Paul Michael Atienza
2015-16  Sociology
2016-17 David Arstizabal
2017-18 Sociology
2018-19 Use it Fall 2019 give out in spring 2019
2019-20 Sociology
2020-21 Meredith Wilson
2021-22 Sociology
2022-23 Michelle Patino
2023-24 Sociology

Demitri B. Shimkin Award

Established by Patricia O’Brien in honor and memory of Demitri B. Shimkin. The award is for the most outstanding research paper written by an Anthropology graduate student.  Grad students are notified to submit papers during the spring semester award season.

Papers will be evaluated in terms of their problem orientation, logical development, research breadth, originality, and contribution to the field and should follow American Anthropologist, American Antiquity, or American Journal of Physical Anthropology style guidelines.  It must be anthropological in subject matter and approach.   

Research papers, fieldwork analyses, independent projects, and Master papers are all acceptable entries.  The paper's text must have been written or substantially developed while the student has been at the University of Illinois, and must not exceed 35 pages (12pt. double-spaced) in length, including texts, notes, and references (but excluding tables, graphs, and illustrations).  Multi-authored papers must be accompanied by a statement of contributions made to the study by each author. In multi-authored papers, the student author must have written the paper.  Published papers will not be accepted. However, papers currently under review for publication will be considered.

This award is chosen by the Anthropology Department Awards Committee.


Year Name
1997  Paul Park
1998 ShanShan Du, Lewis Thomas
1999 Marsha Brofka
2000 Maria Tapias
2001 Angela Shand
2002 Jesook Song
2003 Michelle Wibbelsman
2004 Robin Bernstein
2005 Andrew Asher
2006 William Hope
2007 Norika Muraki
2008 Alyssa Garcia
2009 Jason Ritchie
2010 John Cho, Scott Williams
2012 Mark Grabowski
2013 Sophia Balakian
2014 Jonghyun Park
2015 Jamie Arjona
2016 Liz Mallott
2017 Jamie Arjona
2018 Mary Rogers and Mike Atienza
2019 Allie Zachwieja Emma Verstraete; Honorable Mentions Yue Liao, Ezgi Guner, Amanda Lee
2020 Ben Krupp
2021 An-di-Yim and Jeongsu Shin (Co-Winners); Honorable Mentions Caitlyn Antoniuk and Dilara Caliskan
2022 Negin Valizadegan and Jeongsu Shin
2023 August Hoffman
2024 Alana Ackerman

Graduate Department Conference Travel Award

Once per academic year, registered grad students are eligible for department conference funds, in the form of reimbursement. Students will receive up to $500 for those presenting papers or posters, while those not presenting are eligible for $75.

  1. All applicants must complete the Anthropology “Online Travel Authorization and Information Form” found at Please answer question #10 “N/A”
  2. Each student presenting a paper/poster must provide an abstract of the paper or poster, and a brief description (1 paragraph) of how it relates to the dissertation or other research.
  3. Students not presenting, must provide an outline of key symposia they plan to attend, and briefly mention how these symposia are expected to inform their graduate research.
  4. Students must be registered for current semester.
  5. These forms must be submitted to the Anthropology Graduate Program Coordinator, Joyce Dowell at, prior to travel in order for students to qualify for funds. Reimbursement will be provided to qualified students for costs (up to the amounts specified) upon presentation of receipts to Joyce after the meetings.

Anthropology Department Summer Research Awards

This program provides modest grants to PhD grad students for summer research. Priority will be given to students in any sub-field in the early years of their doctoral training. Past recipients are eligible to apply again, however funding priority is given to students who have not previously received a summer research award.

Applications are submitted to the Anth grad contact, by the department deadline, so materials can be compiled for the selection process. Applications consist of a proposal, budget and letter of support from an advisor. Be sure to refer to email during spring semester award season for complete details.


Proposals should be written in a professional manner and submitted with a completed cover sheet. The proposed project must be directly related to your progress-toward-degree, cost-effective, and one that can be completed in the summer interval.

The proposal should be no more than 1500 words (for steps 1 through 4) and contain the following information:

  1. A brief abstract of 150 words or less
  2. Statement of the research problem
  3. Statement of the proposed research, including working hypotheses and research methodology constructed against a background of research in the discipline.
  4. Significance of the research:
    1. (a) theoretical,
    2. (b) potential applied relevance (if applicable)
    3. (c) personal import (i.e., dissertation, career)
  5. References cited
  6. Research schedule (overall dates) and plan of activities
  7. Budget
  8. Human subjects form, animal research approval form, or artifact disposition statement (or evidence of its submission for approval), if applicable.


In order to provide the maximum number of summer research opportunities from the department’s limited summer funds, in most instances only basic assistance can be provided. We urge applicants to seek supplementary sources of funding and indicate personal or other investment in the project. Budgets must be realistic, modest, and cost-effective and should include: a) the total project budget and b) the amount of the partial assistance that you are requesting from the department.