Who is the Librarian for Anthropology? 

Jess Hagman is a Social Sciences Research Librarian and the liaison librarian for Anthropology at Illinois. Prior to Illinois, Jess Hagman was a librarian at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio. In addition to working as the Anthropology librarian, they work at the Information Desk in SSHEL, supervise graduate assistants, and do their own research about how people use technology and learn to do qualitative research.

Liaison librarians develop print and digital collections for their subject areas. They also work with classes and individual students who need to find and work with information for research projects.

How do I get in contact with the librarian?

You can contact Jess Hagman via email or make an appointment via the link below: 

What can I talk to the librarian about?

The librarian for Anthropology is an expert in finding resources and supporting students in their academic endeavors! Contact Jess Hagman for a range of topics like:

  • Finding information for research papers or any other projects 
  • Finding data for research 
  • Analyzing qualitative data 
  • Organizing and citing information 
  • Resources you think should be in the UIUC collections related to Anthropology 

How can I visit the libraries on campus?

You are welcome to visit any of the campus libraries, but two you may want to know about first are SSHEL and the Orange Room, both located at the east entrance of the Main Library (just off the Main Quad). 

The Orange Room (100 Main Library) is a large study area, with lots of tables, printers, and natural lighting. This is a great place to meet for a group project! 

SSHEL is the Social Sciences, Health, and Education Library (101 Main Library) and is a quieter space where you can find Anthropology-related titles as well as our children and young adult’s literature collection

The study spaces guide has information on the noise levels, food/drink policies, and even temperatures for the most common study spaces across the libraries.

We also have study rooms that you can reserve for working with groups or practicing presentations! 

Where are the Anthropology Books?  

New books in Anthropology tend to be located in SSHEL, but you can also find related titles in the Main Stacks and other campus libraries. The best way to find a book’s location is by searching in the library catalog. If we don’t have a book you need, we can often get titles from other schools in Illinois or through InterLibrary Loan. Just let us know what you’re looking for. 

For Graduate Students, Faculty, and Staff* 

In addition to the extensive collections available through the Library, graduate students, faculty members and other staff may be particularly interested in: 

  • The Savvy Researcher Workshop series, which includes sessions on reference management software (e.g. Zotero) and other research tools.
  • InterLibrary Loan services, which can be used to get copies of books or articles not available in our collections. 
  • The full list of subject specialists. You are welcome to make an appointment with me, but if your research area intersects with other disciplines, you may also want to talk to another librarian for their additional expertise. If you’re not sure who is the best person to speak with, let me know, and I can connect you. 
  • Research Data Services for guidance on managing and sharing your research data and support for developing data management plans for grant proposals. 
  • Instruction: I meet regularly with classes where students are conducting their own research projects to discuss strategies for locating and engaging with information. 
* Anyone can use these services, but they tend to be most widely used by graduate students, faculty, and staff.