Contact Information
Missouri State University
901 S. National Ave.
Springfield, MO 65897
A PhD candidate in archaeology, Cupka Head is currently employed as the director of the Warren Center for Archaeological Research at Missouri State University, a position he has held since 2021. He enrolled in the PhD program in 2016 after spending several years as a supervisory archaeologist and principal investigator with a private cultural resources management firm. In 2024, Kevin was elected Secretary of the Missouri Archaeological Society, becoming only the fifth Secretary in the organization's 90-year history. Cupka Head has received numerous grants and contracts, including grants from the National Park Service and the State of Missouri. He has served as principal investigator on a wide range of cultural resources management projects, primarily in Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri, and Oklahoma, and consults frequently with federal and state agencies, tribal nations, and local governments on issues of cultural heritage management and preservation. Cupka Head is a Registered Professional Archaeologist and active member of the American Cultural Resources Association. His dissertation research focuses on the relational materiality of nineteenth- and twentieth-century farmsteads and rural neighborhoods in the Lower Ohio River Valley.
Research Interests
Archaeology of the recent past, nineteenth-and-twentieth-century farmsteads, historic materials analysis, network analysis, cultural resources management, public archaeology, geophysics, remote sensing, historical ecology, archaeology of the Ozarks and Upland South, urban archaeology.
MA, Ball State University, 2010
BA, Ball State University, 2007
Awards and Honors
Registered Professional Archaeologist