Contact Information
607 S Mathews Ave.
M/C 148
Urbana, IL 61801
Highlighted Publications
The Upper Paleolithic of the Central Russian Plain. Orlando, Fl.: Academic Press, 1985.
The Pleistocene Old World: Regional Perspectives. NYC, NY: Plenum Publishing Corp, 1987.
The World at l8 000 BP : Northern Latitudes. Vol. l. Edited by Olga Soffer, Edited by Clive Gamble, London: Allen & Unwin, 1990.
The World at l8 000 BP : Southern Latitudes. Vol. 2. Edited by Olga Soffer, London: Allen & Unwin, 1990.
Archaeological Dictionary of Stone Tools. Moscow: Institute of Archaeology AN SSSR, 1991.
From Kostenki to Clovis : Upper Paleolithic - Paleoindian Adaptations. Edited by Olga Soffer, NYC, NY: Plenum Publishing Corp, 1993.
Beyond Art. Edited by Olga Soffer, Edited by Margaret Conkey, Edited by Deb Stratmann, Berkeley: California Academy of Sciences/U. of California Press, 1997.
Chelovek zalesiaet plenetu zemli. (Hominids colonize the world). Edited by Olga Soffer, Moscow: Institute of Geography , Russian Academy of Sciences, 1997.
Perceived Landscapes and Built Environments: The Cultural Geography of Late Paleolithic Eurasia. Edited by Olga Soffer, Edited by Janusz Kozlowski, 2003.
Adovasio, James M, Olga Soffer, and Jake Page. The Invisible Sex. NYC, NY: Smithsonian Press/Collins, 2007.