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Rebecca M. Stumpf

Profile picture for Rebecca M. Stumpf

Contact Information

Department of Anthropology
607 S Mathews Ave.
M/C 148
Urbana, IL 61801

Office Hours

Th 1:30-3:30. F 11-12.

Research Interests

Host-Microbial diversity and interactions and evolution, emerging diseases and patterns of transmission, antimicrobial resistance distribution and transmission, primate comparative biology, behavioral ecology and ontogeny, reproductive and sexual behavior and evolution, behavioral endocrinology, conservation.



2004                 Ph.D.    Anthropological Sciences. Stony Brook University, NY.

1998                 M.A.     Anthropological Sciences. Stony Brook University, NY.

1990                 B.A.      Oberlin College, Oberlin, OH.



2022-2024     University of Illinois Research Board. PI: RM StumpfDetecting, Identifying, and Characterizing Primate Pathogens and Transmission in Biodiverse Western Uganda.” 

2021-2022.     Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study Research Fellowship  “Increasing Resilience in Western Uganda and Beyond: Identifying, Predicting, and Preventing Pathogen Transmission”

2018-2019    Undergraduate Research Development Grant, UIUC. PI: RM Stumpf

2018-2019     Viral Transmission Dynamics at the Human-Wildlife Interface in Western Uganda. Co-PI:    RM Stumpf.  Blue Waters Computation Allocation, UIUC.

2018-2019     In Search of a Quantitative Definition of the Gut Microbiome in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. PI: RM Stumpf. Blue Waters Computational Allocation

2016-2018    Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. “Identifying, Predicting, and Preventing Antimicrobial Resistance Transmission” PI: RM Stumpf

2016-2018      Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. “CRISPR Capture: Surveillance of Antimicrobial Resistance in Mobile Microbiomes.” Co-PIs: RM Stumpf       

2017-2019     Marie Skłodowska-Curie: WILDGUT: Impact of anthropogenic changes on gut homeostasis in wild primates. PI: C Barelli. Co-PI: RM Stumpf

2014-2020     National Science Foundation. Microbiomes, female dispersal and social relationships in wild chimpanzees. PI: RM Stumpf; Co-PI: K Langergraber

2009-2017     National Science Foundation. Human Origins Moving in New Directions (HOMINID).  Microbes, diet, and hominin evolution:  comparative and metagenomic perspectives.” PI: RM  Stumpf; Co-PIs: SR Leigh, B White, K Nelson, A Salyers; $2,470,000.

2013-2014     University of Illinois Research Board. PI: RM Stumpf “Sexual conflict in wild chimpanzees”

2012-2014.    U.S. Fish and Wildlife Department. “Sexually transmitted diseases and African ape conservation.” PI: J Rushmore, S Altizer, & RM Stumpf

2011-2014     National Institute of Health. PIs: Wilson BA, Stumpf RM, Yildirim S, "Dynamics of Normal Pigtailed Macaque Vaginal and Intestinal Microbiota," 

2009-2011  U.S. Fish and Wildlife Department. “Close-contact pathogens, sexually transmitted diseases, and African ape conservation.” PIs: J Rushmore, S Altizer, & RM Stumpf

2008-2015     National Science Foundation BCS 0820790: Primate Microbial Ecology. PI: RM Stumpf; Co-PIs: S Leigh, B Wilson, A Salyers

2009-2011     Leakey Foundation for Anthropological Research. “Female Social and Sexual Development in Chimpanzees of Kanyawara, Kibale National Park.” PI: RM Stumpf

2009-2011     Wenner Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research. “Social and Sexual Development in Adolescent Chimpanzees” PI: RM Stumpf

2008-2011     National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant. “The effects of deforestation on reproductive fitness in female red colobus (Piliocolobus tephrosceles) in Kibale National Park, Uganda.” PI: RM Stumpf, Co-PI: K Milich

2008-2009     UIUC Research Board. “Juvenile and Adolescent Chimpanzee Development.” PI: RM Stumpf

2008-2009     University of Illinois, "Inclusive Illinois: Study of classroom climate in relation to issues of diversity.” Keller, J, RM Stumpf and B Farnell

2006-2008     Carle Foundation Hospital and UIUC: Critical Research Initiatives. “Evolutionary Medicine and Women’s Sexual Health.”  PI: B Wilson; Co-PIs: S Blanke; A Salyers, J Slauch, L Hoyer, R Gaskins, J Xu, R Tapping, L Schook, S Leigh; RM Stumpf, G Olsen, C-X Zhai; J Han, J Weisbaum, R Feldman, K Yeater. 

2005-2006     University of Illinois Research Board. “Female Reproductive Strategies in East African Chimpanzees”. PI: RM Stumpf

2005-2006     University of Illinois Research Board. “Human Vaginal Microbial Diversity” PI: BA Wilson Co-PIs: S Blanke, A Salyers, J Slauch, L Hoyer, HR Gaskins, J Xu, R Tapping, L Schook, S Leigh,  RM Stumpf, G Olsen, CX Zhai, J Han, J Weisbaum, R Feldman, K Yeater.

1998-2003     Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science Research Fellowship. 

1998-2000     National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant. “Female reproductive strategies in wild West African chimpanzees.”

1997-1998    Stony Brook University. “Genetic Analyses of Eulemur fulvus albocollaris" American Museum of Natural History, NY, NY

1997              Conservation International. “Morphometrics, behavior and genetics of Eulemur fulvus albocollaris.” 

1997              Primate Conservation Inc. “Field Study of the white-collared brown lemur (Eulemur fulvus albocollaris) in Madagascar”

1996              Stony Brook University Research Grant. “Diversity in Gorilla Cranial Morphology.”

1996              Primate Conservation, Inc. “Morphometrics, behavior, and genetics of the white-collared brown lemur, Eulemur fulvus albocollaris.


Awards and Honors

2021-2022        Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study Fellowship, Notre Dame IN

2021-2024        Fulbright Specialist Program Faculty

2004-present   Teachers Ranked as Excellent by their Students, UIUC

2018-2019        Faculty Fellowship, Center for Advanced Study, University of Illinois

2016-2019        University Scholar: for Excellence in Scholarship, Teaching and Service 

2017                 Campus Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching. University of Illinois

2017                 LAS Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching. University of Illinois

2016                 J.S. Guggenheim Foundation Fellow

2016                 Promoted to Full Professor, with Distinction. University of Illinois

2011                 Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, Department of Anthropology, University of Illinois

2010-2011        I.C. Gunsalus Scholar Award, for faculty in the physical or life sciences who exhibit exemplary scholarship and teaching, University of Illinois

2008-2009        Beckman Fellow. Center for Advanced Study Fellowship, University of Illinois

2005                 AO Beckman Research Award, University of Illinois

2004                 Certificate of Distinction in Teaching, Harvard University

2004                 President's Award for Outstanding Dissertation, SUNY - Stony Brook



Courses Taught

ANTH 102: Human Origins and Culture

ANTH 143/HDFS 143: The Biological Bases of Human Behavior

ANTH 243/IB 243: The Natural History and Social Behavior of the Great Apes

ANTH 258/GWS 258: Sex in Nature and Culture

ANTH 343: The Biology and Behavior of Women 

ANTH 347/IB 347: Behavioral Endocrinology

ANTH 443/IB 443: Introduction to Primate Morphology and Behavior

ANTH 444: Methods in Biological Anthropology

ANTH 445: Research in Biological Anthropology

ANTH 515RS: Graduate Seminar: Sexual Selection and Sexual Conflict

ANTH 515RS: Graduate Seminar: The Evolution of Human Sexuality and Behavior

ANTH 468: Primate Microbial Diversity Research Seminar

ANTH 499RS: Comparative Host-Microbial Analyses Lab

ANTH 499RS: Evolutionary Medicine 

GLBS 298 Primates, Conservation and Cross-Cultural Collaboration: Study Abroad in Uganda

Additional Campus Affiliations

Faculty, Program in Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Biology (PEEC)

Animal Biology (Affiliate Faculty)

Carle-Illinois College of Medicine

The Beckman Institute for Advanced Study

The Center for African Studies

Global Studies 

Women and Gender in Global Perspectives

Recent Publications

Donohue, M. E., Lamb, A., Absangba, A. E., Noromalala, E., Weisenbeck, D. R., Stumpf, R. M., & Wright, P. C. (2025). Why Didn't the Sifaka Cross the Road? Divergence of Propithecus edwardsi Gut Microbiomes Across Geographic Barriers in Ranomafana National Park, Madagascar. American journal of primatology, 87(2), Article e23732.

Asangba, A. E., Mugisha, L., Rukundo, J., Lewis, R. J., Halajian, A., Cortés-Ortiz, L., Junge, R. E., Irwin, M. T., Karlson, J., Perkin, A., Watsa, M., Erkenswick, G., Bales, K. L., Patton, D. L., Jasinska, A. J., Fernandez-Duque, E., Leigh, S. R., & Stumpf, R. M. (2022). Large Comparative Analyses of Primate Body Site Microbiomes Indicate that the Oral Microbiome Is Unique among All Body Sites and Conserved among Nonhuman Primates. Microbiology Spectrum, 10(3).

Barelli, C., Albanese, D., Stumpf, R. M., Asangba, A., Donati, C., Rovero, F., & Hauffe, H. C. (2020). The gut microbiota communities of wild arboreal and ground-feeding tropical primates are affected differently by habitat disturbance. mSystems, 5(3), Article e00061-20.

Mann, A. E., Mazel, F., Lemay, M. A., Morien, E., Billy, V., Kowalewski, M., Di Fiore, A., Link, A., Goldberg, T. L., Tecot, S., Baden, A. L., Gomez, A., Sauther, M. L., Cuozzo, F. P., Rice, G. A. O., Dominy, N. J., Stumpf, R., Lewis, R. J., Swedell, L., ... Wegener Parfrey, L. (2020). Biodiversity of protists and nematodes in the wild nonhuman primate gut. ISME Journal, 14(2), 609-622.

Sharma, A. K., Petrzelkova, K., Pafco, B., Robinson, C. A. J., Fuh, T., Wilson, B. A., Stumpf, R. M., Torralba, M. G., Blekhman, R., White, B., Nelson, K. E., Leigh, S. R., & Gomez, A. (2020). Traditional human populations and nonhuman primates show parallel gut microbiome adaptations to analogous ecological conditions. mSystems, 5(6), Article e00815-20.

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