Illinois Anthropology faculty Dr. Chris Fennell alongside Series Editors Nedra K. Lee, PhD, Department of Anthropology, University of Massachusetts (link) and Richard Paul Benjamin, PhD, International Slavery Museum and University of Liverpool (link) is accepting proposals in this new book series 'Restorative Justice in Heritage Studies and Archaeology'.
The Routledge Press series, Restorative justice in heritage studies and archaeology, embraces initiatives for reconciliation of past societal transgressions using processes that are multivocal, dialogic, historically informed, community based, negotiated, and transformative. This series will present works that promote the active and often unconventional ways that archaeologists, historians, and heritage scholars are contributing to a process of remaking. Our authors will work to define and illuminate the best practices for restorative justice in these fields and to identify how practitioners and their collaborators are working to redress, reconcile, and remake contemporary society.
Learn More: We welcome proposals for single-authored, co-authored, and edited volumes. Interested in proposing a book for this series? Contact one of us: Nedra.Lee@umb.edu, Richard.Benjamin@liverpool.ac.uk, cfennell@illinois.edu. General guidelines for authors are available from Routledge Press (Taylor & Francis). Routledge offers flexible approaches to publishing in print and online, open-access formats.
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